Alumni Board Games 2008 Prelude
Think Board Games should be Bored Games and not your cuppa tea?
Think again!
In preparation for this Sunday's Games, we gathered last week to familiarize ourselves with the games as part of dry run. We can't tell you how much fun and laughter we had in one afternoon, you gotta be there on Sunday to find out for yourselves!
Of course the games require some usage of the brains, but nothing like the kind of intensive work your brains go through everyday at work. You will be GRATEFUL for this break, we assure you!
Think again!
In preparation for this Sunday's Games, we gathered last week to familiarize ourselves with the games as part of dry run. We can't tell you how much fun and laughter we had in one afternoon, you gotta be there on Sunday to find out for yourselves!
Of course the games require some usage of the brains, but nothing like the kind of intensive work your brains go through everyday at work. You will be GRATEFUL for this break, we assure you!

Vincent the Games expert.

This is one of our favourite games! Brendon was the slyest of us all.

Introducing Mrs Yeoh Cheng Huann!
She will be helping out this Sunday, be sure to welcome her into our KR family.

Introducing our latest addition to the Alumni Committee Alvin Yang!
He is still considering about taking over Kelchoo's position (now that KC's based in China), but after many otaks and fishballs, we take it as a yes.

Our other favourite new game, Settlers of Catan!
(Settlers Cafe was apparently named after this game.)
Cheng Huann was the big winner, no surprises because you know how analytical, quick and a good planner he is.

Sadly, Wilson was the loser, because he was suay enough to choose ORANGE!
I mean, why will we support the Sh***** Hall settlement and development right? So everyone refused to trade with him and instead, stole from him.
Will this happen to the Orange team on Sunday too?
(Just remember NOT to choose orange, maybe Vince will go home and paint the building blocks green or yellow.)

At the end of the day, we were super amazed that people are actually so innovative (and yes, FREE) to come up with such games. Is there an Institute of Board Games Research and Development statutory board somewhere out there?
More details on location and instructions to get to our Games venue coming soon!
More details on location and instructions to get to our Games venue coming soon!
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