Durian Feast-ival! [UPDATED]
Those who've confirmed interests!
1. seow yen
2. jiemin
3. alvin yang
4. cheng jin
5. cheryl yap
6. jingxian
7. thye heng
8. martin yong
9. cheng huann
10. shilin
11. alvan chia
12. Ashley cheong
13. rachel pang
14. qingyou
15. teckie
16. pear yum
17. kelchoo
18. vince gan
19. swee yong
20. edwin quek
21. ting kuang
22. chiet yen
23. ian low
24. lina yanti
Do you think you know alot about the KING OF FRUITS - DURIANs?
Well, take a look at the 5 fascinating facts abt durians below
1. The durian is commonly known as the "king of the fruits." The name comes from the Malay word duri, meaning "thorn."
2. Durians cannot be plucked from the tree. You have to wait for durians to drop. The fruit usually drops at night.
3. Durians freeze well, either in the rind or just the pulp sections removed from the shell. You can keep durians that have been frozen for months.
4. The smell of a durian has been compared to overripe cheese, rotting fish, unwashed socks, a city dump on a hot summers’ day. Famed movie directors and scriptwriters Ethan and Joel Coen (known as the Coen brothers or the two-headed directors) rated durians as being among the smelliest things on earth.
5. There are more than 300 types durians just in Thailand alone. The most exquisite of all is the 'blue blooded' meat. have you seen it?
Now its your chance, join us in KR ALUMNI INAUGURAL

Reserve your place by either contacting us at kr.alumni@gmail.com or sms to Qingyou to avoid disappointment! Bring your family, friends, colleagues etc too!
Closing date: 21 Jun 09, 2200hrs
Brought to you by KRAC
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