KR Alum featured on AlumNet!
Dear Alumnus,
As part of KRAC's effort to continuously provide updates to our KR alum family, we are proud to highlight to you 1 of our very own home-bred Kent Ridgeans.
He's none other than Dalvir Singh, affectionately known as Sunny by his peers. Check out the article below that was featured on AlumNet.
Extracted for your easy reference.
Proud of you. Beer anyone? :P
As part of KRAC's effort to continuously provide updates to our KR alum family, we are proud to highlight to you 1 of our very own home-bred Kent Ridgeans.
He's none other than Dalvir Singh, affectionately known as Sunny by his peers. Check out the article below that was featured on AlumNet.
Extracted for your easy reference.
Proud of you. Beer anyone? :P

Brought to you by KRAC
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