Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MAYDAY - KR Alumni Gathering on 1 May 2010

Hi alumni!

The KRAlumni Comm periodically organises get-togethers with food/games etc. In the past we've done beer-tasting, wine-tasting, boardgames and etc.On 1 May we're having a mini-gathering at Brendon's place. Thanks Brendon!

There will be boardgames, WII, and GUITAR HERO. and oh yes! a chocolate fountain! :D

Nothing really special, just a gathering of people who used to stay under the same roof. There're probably lots of people you didn't get much time to talk to last time, so now's a great time :)

The old rockers are also especially invited to the merrymaking. Or probably, because they can show the rest how Guitar hero is done. But don't let that intimidate you, please help to invite all the cool folk that you are still in contact with.Come join us for a great afternoon music, games, and food!Please indicate your interest!

You can contact Ian Low, yanluo[a]hotmail.com

Brought to you by KRAC


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