Sunday, December 6, 2009

KR Alumnus featured on Straits Times: Chia Wei-Ern

Young KR Alumnus Chia Wei-Ern was featured in the ST on the 23rd November 2009. Read on to find out more!

1. Tell us more about yourself.

I’m an ex-resident of E-block, had a pretty wild university experience, balancing hall life, work and study. IT and the Internet has always been a passion and it’s a field I’ve always wanted to be in. Currently I’m co-managing Techsailor Group, a start-up that I’ve been with for 2.5 years, where one of the founders was my ex-housemate during our stint in the NOC programme (US).

2. What were your most memorable moments in KRH?

There’s plenty I could cite. Waking up at 6am for E-block IBG training, waking up to find my door decorated during dating game, rehearsing till the wee hours in the morning for hall production/inspire/rockers then going for a meal that's somewhere between supper and breakfast... the list is pretty long.

But what I would probably remember for life was the help I received from my block mates when I returned from the US with a torn ligament. The injury was so bad, I could barely move. I remember Ben (then hall president) going through great lengths to help me get a room to rest over the weekend and even helping me to clean it up. Then there’s Qingyou (ex-E-block head) who promptly offered me the ice packs to relieve my knee, Benny, my neighbor who would help me refill the ice box with fresh ice, and some of my juniors Grace, Lishi and Christina (all ex-culture heads) who would help me get my meals when I couldn’t even leave my room. I can’t imagine how I could survived that semester if I had been posted to PGP upon returning from US as OSA originally intended.

3. What experience have you gained in KR that has helped you in your career or life?

People management. I find that generally, all prominent Kent Ridgeans are very people-oriented and able to handle working with others well. It’s a skill that’s very important in advancing your career. You’ll probably find that managing a team in a corporate setting may not be that different from managing a hall committee. If we were to do a quick study now, I won’t be surprised to discover that that most of the ex-Kent Ridgeans leaders (block heads, JCRC members, sports captains, culture heads) are doing very well in their career right now.

4. How was the KR‐SH relationship during your period of hall stay?

Interesting question. I guess being neighbors, you can’t help comparing and trying to outbest each other, so it’s a healthy competition we’ve always had. But I applaud both E-block and Block E for trying to inculcate inter-hall relationship with our annual mid-autumn festival get-together.

5. Do you have any advice for current residents?

Hall is a great place to discover like-minded people. Take time to get to know your neighbors, block mates and hall mates better. You never know who will end up being your life-long friend, client, business partner or for some fortunate ones, life partners.

6. Lastly, tell us a little more about your company & services available.

Techsailor focuses on online customer engagement solutions. We help companies engage customers better by establishing stronger relationships via online communities, social media, newsletter campaigns, loyalty systems and analytics to identify key brand evangelists. Basically, any brands with an existing client base can benefit from our services to retain and grow their online customer base. For more information visit

VCF interhall combined worship - band practice

Personal Farewell 2006 - with e-blockers, the night just before leaving for NOC

IBG hockey practice - chilling out with e-blockers

Command 07 - photos with members of the same OG during our 03 orientation


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