Dear alumni,
Once again, we came in TOPS for the annual Alumni Day!
Special thanks to the alumni who came to join us and big kudos to the KR Alumni Secretariat comm which organized and executed the Alumni Day 2009 - KRanival so brilliantly!

kelchoo representing the alumni for the honours

saying a few words of appreciation

KR Alum & KRH soccer team

bountiful of food

KR Alum & KRH tennis team

KR Alum & KRH soccer & touch rug girls

KR Alum soccer folks on the field

KR Alum & KRH handballers

in the game of basketball

handball debrief and sharing of some pointers

soccer ladies

KR Alum - jiemin in action!

KR Alum - Stephanie Tan in action

KR Alum - Amanda in action0

KR Alum - Mun yin in action

soccer ladies in action
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